Yichen Wei
I am a second-year master's student at Brown University, working with Prof. Stefanie Tellex and Prof. George Konidaris on exploration in Reinforcement Learning and language grounding. Before that, I received my bachelor's degree in computer science at Tufts University, where I worked with Prof. Jivko Sinapov and Prof. Matthias Scheutz on novelty handling in Neurosymbolics systems in the open world.
I am interested in building intelligent, general-purpose robots that can interact with humans and the real world. Currently, I am working on integrating planning and learning in the context of exploration in Reinforcement Learning.
Outside of research, I enjoy cooking, traveling, and photography.

Yichen Wei, Xiaochen Li, Jason Xinyu Liu, Naman Shah, Benedict Quartey, George Konidaris, Stefanie Tellex, Akhil Bagaria
Work in progress
Also presented at CoRL 2024 Workshop on Learning Effective Abstractions for Planning (LEAP 2024)
Ahmed Jaafar, Shreyas Sundara Raman, Yichen Wei, Sofia E. Juliani, Anneke Wernerfeltt, Ifrah Idrees, Jason Xinyu Liu, Stefanie Tellex
RSS 2024 Workshop on Robotic Task Specification, RSS 2024 Workshop on Data Generation for Robotics
Shivam Goel, Yichen Wei, Panagiotis Lymperopoulos, Klára Churá, Matthias Scheutz, Jivko Sinapov
Shivam Goel, Panagiotis Lymperopoulos, Ravenna Thielstrom, Evan Krause, Patrick Feeney, Pierrick Lorang, Sarah Schneider, Yichen Wei, Eric Kildebeck, Stephen Goss, Michael C Hughes, Liping Liu, Jivko Sinapov, Matthias Scheutz
Artificial Intelligence Volume 331, June 2024 [Paper]